FMP Proposal

Here are some of the initial Ideas I have come up with for what I would like to do for my FMP I feel that I have some very good potential Ideas here and thought of the many ways that I could take these ideas in terms of themes mechanics and the style of gameplay they have although at this point I do not have any design focus for these ideas although I feel that I can develop these later when I come to expanding some of these ideas further.

Idea 1

What product will you make? (Detail all aspects of the product, all the work that will need to go into making the product)

I will make a top down shooter game with a design focus of making the player and weapons feel powerful.

What type of game will this product be for? (Put the names of some existing games that your game would be similar to?)

A top down shooter similar to hotline Miami

What will the game setting be? What will you need to consider with regards to this setting?

The games setting will be World War 2 in a small European (French) town and I will have to regard how I would adapt this into a fun level design.

What research will you need to do in order to complete this project?

I will need to research into WW2 and weapons from this era, the way that some European towns were structures as well as other top down shooter.

What planning will you need to do in order to complete this project?

I will need to plan when I will need to make each part of my game as well as how long I think that it will take

What difficulties do you think you might have with this project?

Difficulties I may face could be Making the graphics for this game as I feel that I could have a hard time trying to re-create things from world war 2 in a top down style.

Here are some notes I made in order to expand upon the first Idea I had on my mind map for example I expanded by adding what the design focus of this idea would be as well as making it more clear as to which path I have taken from the ones that branched off of this idea on the mind map. I have also noted about the sort of things I will need to research for this project and the type of planning I will need to do for this idea.

Idea 2

What product will you make? (Detail all aspects of the product, all the work that will need to go into making the product)

A 2D top down shooter with a design focus of making the player feel stealthy

What type of game will this product be for? (Put the names of some existing games that your game would be similar to?)

It would be a top down shooter so it would be quite similar to hotline Miami

What will the game setting be? What will you need to consider with regards to this setting?

The setting would be post apocalypse things I would have to consider would be how I can make the environment look like it has been destroyed

What research will you need to do in order to complete this project?

Research into other top down shooters and research into other games that have post apocalypse environments

What planning will you need to do in order to complete this project?

I will need to plan when I will need to make each part of my game as well as how long I think that it will take

What difficulties do you think you might have with this project?

Creating all the assets and trying to create the stealth features for the game

This is much similar to the first set of notes I made although these notes were for another of the ideas I had on my mind map and I have expended on this idea in the same areas that expanded upon the first idea in these notes such as what the design focus could be and what I will need to plan as well as areas I would need to research as well as making it clear as to which direction I would want to go with this idea as there were a few different things that I branched off for this idea on my mind map.


Above is my proposal form that I have filled out I feel that it does a good job at explaining my idea for this project and my design focus which I feel has helped me to further this idea as it gave me some extra time to think about it. This form has also helped me a lot as there was a section that I had to fill out about what sort of research I will do I feel that writing out this section has helped me because it has given me time to think about how much research I will need to do and what research I will need to do. Another thing that I has helped me on this form is writing out how I will evaluate my work as it has given me the opportunity to look at how I will evaluate my work during this project. Another section that I feel has helped me is the timetable that I have created as it helped me to plan out the times I will tackle each part of this project.

Above is my proposal pitch I feel that it went well as I was able to present my idea fairly well in a way that I was able to covey the points I wanted to in a way that was easy to understand as well as making sure to expand upon these points and ideas so that people could have more insight on them. One thing I feel did not go as well is I did not include any thematic problems that I might come across and how I will resolve them in my presentation as this was something that was pointed out to me by my tutor after I had finished my presentation and something that I will have to think about as a carry on in my project.

These are the three design pillars that I would like to keep in mind for my game the main design focus that I want to have in my game is making the player feel powerful as this is what I have had planned since starting this project and is the most important and will not be compromised if I am short on time near the end of the project. The other pillars are very important to the game and both go hand in hand with the design focus as having many weapons will play well into making the player feel powerful as the player will have many options for taking out enemies the other pillar I have is an enjoyable combat loop which will also help to hold up the design focus as an enjoyable combat loop will help in making the player feel powerful.

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