P2 Industry


3D modeler

The responsibilities of the 3D modeler is to create the 3D models for the game they will get involved at the start of the process they will be involved until all the work that is needed to create the 3D models is done this could vary depending on the size of the game for example GTA V has many 3D models E.G cars buildings and People so the job of the 3D modeler would take longer where as compared to a smaller 3D game like Team Fortress 2 which only has a handful of characters and maps


The responsibilities of the animator is to create the animations for the game the will get involved near the start of the process and they will work as long as it takes to complete the animations this can vary depending on the size of the game and how many animations that the game requires for example GTA V has many animations E.G walking getting into a car ect so would take longer to create all the animations for than an average game

Concept Artist

The responsibilities of the concept artist is to draw the concept art for the game and they will get involved at the very start of the project to come up with designs for characters and objects from the game they usually aren’t involved for long but time can vary depending on how much concept art is needed for the game for example Halo 2 is a game that will have needed lots of concept art as it has many characters , locations and vehicles that would need concept art for so the concept artist would have to draw more concept art than for a game with less characters objects and locations for example Team Fortress 2 that only has a handful of characters and locations that need concept art in the game

Texture Artist

The responsibilities of the texture artist is to design textures for the models of the game they get involved when 3D models are complete to create the textures for them they will be involved for however long it takes to create textures which can vary depending on the size of the game for example Minecraft is a game that needs many textures for the many blocks and other materials and items in the game where as compared to a game like DOOM 1993 which had few textures that were reused throughout the game

Game Design

Level Designer

The responsibility of the level designer is to design levels for the game they get involved at the start and will work until all the levels are designed and approved which can vary depending on how many levels are in the game and the size of the game for example a game with many levels such as DOOM 1993 would need more time spent on level design than Minecraft as this game would not have needed level designers at all since there are no levels

Game Designer

The responsibility of the game designer is to design games they will be involved from the start and will work the whole way through the project

User Interface Designer

The responsibilities of the user interface designer is to design the user interface for the game the get involved half way through the game so the interface can be designed so that it is ready for when the game is complete they don’t get involved for long but the time can vary depending on the user interface itself

Sound designer

The responsibility of the sound designer is to design the sound for the game they will get involved near the middle of production so they can see the game and figure out what kind of sounds they need to make the time they can be involved for can vary depending on the size of the game for example a game with a lot of Sounds in such as Halo 3 E.g all the different weapon sounds, vehicle sounds and alien sounds would take longer to do sound design for than the average game

Voice Actor

The responsibility of the voice actor is to record the voice lines  for the characters within the game they will get involved when the game is nearing the end of production and the time that they are involved can vary depending on the size of the game, the amount of characters and the lines needed E.g Team Fortress 2 has many different voice lines for the different characters so would take longer to do all the voice acting for than a game such as Minecraft that has no voice acting at all


The responsibility of the musician is to compose the music for the game they will get involved during the middle of production so the have time to compose the music for the game the time they will work for can vary depending on may tracks are needed for the game for example DOOM 1993 is a game with many different tracks in the game so would take longer to compose music for than Team Fortress 2 which has very little music in the game

 Tools programmer

The responsibility of the tools programmer is to make sure the games designers have the best tools for creating the game they get involved at the very start to get the tools that the games designers need to create the game the time they are involved for varies on how many tools they need to source

Event Scripter

The responsibility of the event scripter is to script integrated events and scripted scenes into the games they would get involved during the middle of production to add the scripted events and cut scenes the time they would be involved for would vary depending on the amount of scripted events needed for the game For example Halo reach has many cutscenes so would take longer to write the event scripts for than a game like Minecraft which has no scripted events at all

Shader Writer

The shader writer is responsible for desining and creating the shaders for the game they got involved near the end of production so they can add shaders to things in the game the time they are involved for varies depending on the amount of shaders needed for the game


Story Writer

The story writer is responsible for writing the story for the game if it has one they will get involved at the start of the project so that the game has a story so there is enough time to work on story elements the time they will be involved for can vary depending on how much the game focuses on story and how long the game is for example a game with story elements such as Half Life 2 would take longer for the story writers than a game with little story such as Team Fortress 2

Scrip Writer

The script writer is responsible for writing the script for a game they will get involved during the start of the project after the story writer so that the story can be developed more and put into the form of the script they will be involved for the amount of time it takes them to write the script which can vary



The CEO is responsible for making important corporate decisions and managing the operations and resources of the company they will be involved on the project from the start and will be involved to the end


The CTO is responsible for the technology department they will be involved with a project near the end to see what technology can be incorporated and will be involved until the end


Marketing is responsible for the advertisement and sales of the game they will be involved at the end of the game and the time they are involved can vary depending on the amount of marketing that is wanted

Further research into departments of interest

Story writer

primary skills:

the story writer works alongside the game designers they will pitch scene ideas and talk to the game artists to make sure character images and game environments are right they also write game dialogue

pay: 10th percentile story writer salary in the US is $54,958

Article title:Game Writer Contract Resume Example Ice Water Games – Seattle, Washington
Website title:Livecareer.com

Event scrtipter

Primary skills: the primary skills of an event scripter are computer skills as they have to integrate scripted events and cinematic scenes into games

Pay: average salary for an event scripter in the UK is £25,263


Article title:Event Scripter
Website title:Ubisoft

Level Designer

Primary Skills: the primary skills of a level designer would be knowing what is fun in a game as they have to make levels that will be enjoyable to the player

Pay: average salary for a level designer in the US is $58,006


AuthorEA Criterion
Article title:Level Designer – AAA Games – South East, UK – 12 Month Contract – OPMjobs
Website title:OPMjobs

The triple a game I have chosen is Halo CE the main departments are level design since the game has many levels , sound design because there is a massive variety of weapons hat would need sound design but also vehicles , npc with voice lines and cut scenes etc, game designer for the game itself animation and concept artist

Game tester job vacancy

I found a game tester job vacancy in Sheffield for an upcoming games company and there is a competitive salary of up to £24k and it is at this link https://www.google.com/search?q=game+tester+jobs+uk&oq=game+tester+&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0i433j0l4j0i457j0i402.5496j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&ibp=htl;jobs&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjWyJLf-sfsAhVMShUIHffLB5IQkd0GMAB6BAghEAE#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htiq=game+tester+jobs+uk&htidocid=q_fbJI9QzAMdSpGGAAAAAA%3D%3D&sxsrf=ALeKk01pxxZEbjDluBoBD_sxJUaTA237lA:1603361420134

I found a game tester job vacancy for a company called BlackApple solutions ltd and they are offering a pay rate of £6.70 an hour and it is a zero hour contract and the link is https://www.google.com/search?q=game+tester+jobs+uk&oq=game+tester+&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0i433j0l4j0i457j0i402.5496j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&ibp=htl;jobs&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjWyJLf-sfsAhVMShUIHffLB5IQkd0GMAB6BAghEAE#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htiq=game+tester+jobs+uk&htidocid=nfMoE6Cj7EAR7R1IAAAAAA%3D%3D&sxsrf=ALeKk01pxxZEbjDluBoBD_sxJUaTA237lA:1603361420134

I found a game tester application for a job in London for a company called iSoftBet it is full time and the typical pay is between £17k-£20k and the link is https://www.google.com/search?q=game+tester+jobs+uk&oq=game+tester+&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0i433j0l4j0i457j0i402.5496j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&ibp=htl;jobs&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjWyJLf-sfsAhVMShUIHffLB5IQkd0GMAB6BAghEAE#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htiq=game+tester+jobs+uk&htidocid=MpeZ5i__yGn004P_AAAAAA%3D%3D&sxsrf=ALeKk01pxxZEbjDluBoBD_sxJUaTA237lA:1603361420134

I learned the QA workers get paid a lot more than I thought something that surprised me is that there were a lot more jobs in that area than I thought as I thought it was a hard job to find some require having worked as a QA tester already but others require good communication skills and some knowledge about games the pay varied for each job but most were around 17k which is a lot more than I expected for a QA tester would get paid

project management, assessing and scope and feasibility are important because they involve management which is important because they tell the team what to do and help to solve problems if there are any so they are necessary skills

The Lego universe game failed for may reasons the main reasons being that it was a free game were you paid subscription for things and not enough players decided to pay for membership in game but the game was targeted at children who do not have there own income

I learnt that a game that has paid items/subscription should not be targeted at children

scope and feasibility is important because it lets you plan ahead to avoid things like the game failing happening

what they could have done differently is made the paid subscription cheaper so more people would have been willing to buy it because they still would have made a lot of money since there was a high amount of players

the main reason that caused the game to fail was the paid subscription because people didn’t want to buy a subscription because they just played the free to play version

Task 9

Identify and write up own skills in use

when I conducted the initial research for the DLC work I researched different DLC’s for three different games which were the master trials for legend of Zelda breath of the wild ,memories of reach for halo reach and opposing forces for half-life. I feel like i have not done enough work for this section as it does not look like there is enough writing but for an evaluation of this work I would say a good thing is the content of the work as it covers most points asked for the research for each DLC in conclusion I cold have written more so that the explanation for each was deeper

the creative skills I have used whilst writing my DLC work book is drawing for example in question 16 initial planning and production art i have drawn some art I think that the are was somewhat decent as I am not very good at art but what was good about it was that it shows off what characters would look like in game to some extent and i could have made the drawings more detailed but if I were to do it again I would have spent more time on the drawings and put more detail into them

from the skills I have identified I would rate:

quality of internet research 3/5

quality of analysis of research 4/5

quality of writing in the journal entry 3/5

explanation of research 3/5

the use of lateral thinking to come up with three ideas 3/5

the use of comprehension for ideas 4/5

the secondary research conducted on audience 3/5

primary research conducted on audience 3/5

critical thinking 3/5

quality of writing in the journal entry 3/5

explaination about the audiance 3/5

writing the story for the DLC 4/5

planning the DLC content 3/5

drawing out game area 3/5

the quality of writing in the journal entry 3/5

the reflection about the audience and the justification 3/5

creating the production art 4/5

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