P3 Planning

The first idea idea I had was a lase lasso mechanic that pulled in enemies and stuns from that stemmed a few ideas such as space police where the lasso would be used to catch the enemies but the only Idea that stemmed from space police was that the player avatar would be a spaceship with sirens Another idea that stemmed form the laser lasso mechanic was the idea of an alien hunter using the lasso to catch other ships from which two other ideas stemmed that the conflict was humans vs aliens and the setting would be space But what I think is the best idea that stemmed from lase lasso idea is space cowboys which then stemmed two ideas The first is a mechanic that slows time and allows for a quick draw to destroy an enemy and an idea that the conflict could be a space sheriff vs space outlaws which then stemmed its own idea that the player avatar could be a ship shaped like a sheriff badge

for this I had been tasked with coming up with ideas for my game i feel that i have done this to a good standard

Heroes Journey narrative structure:

The story structure for the game will be based around the heroes journey story structure and will start on the heroes ordinary world which is the cowboy planet then the call to adventure would be when the old sherif died and there needed to be a new sheriff and the mentor would be the old deputy crossing the threshold would be when the hero takes off into space

Game Details Grid 

Working Title for the Game: Space Cowboys 

Game World/Level Setting Explanation:  the game is set in the distant future but is a western settingMain Mechanics of the game (classic shooter):  scrolling screen and shooting
Brief Synopsis of the Game Story/Conflict:  the year is 2812 and space is plagued with outlaws and its up to the space sheriff to put them to a stop           Vertical or Horizontal Scrolling: Vertical
Description of Player Avatar:  a Sheriffs badge made to look more like a spaceship Additional Mechanics you want to implement:  A laser lasso that stuns enemies and pulls the toward you that charges by killing enemies

Quick Draw mechanic that slows time and allows you to shoot and destroy one enemy that charges by killing enemies   
Description of Weapons: laser guns which will be the normal gun that you start with, laser machine guns that shoot lots of low damaging bullets really fast , a powerful gun that only holds 6 ammo that takes a long time to reload and you have to find ammo pickups for and the laser lasso that stuns enemies and them towards you Description of Enemies: space outlaws  

I was tasked writing the game details for my game I think I have done this to a good standard

This is some of the production art for the game

This is some production art for the player avatar and some enemy design the players ship is based off of a sheriff badge since the game will have a western/sci-fi theme at the top of the page you can see that I drew the ship a few different times with different wing designs and then drew up the design I liked best in more detail

At the bottom you can see two enemy designs I drew both based off of revolvers I like both designs and potentially could use both but I am more likely to use the one on the right

This is some stage design I have done for the game the on on the left is the most basic one that just includes stars I do not like this on very much and will not end up using it the one in the middle is like the first one except I have added some planets to it the one on the right is more like a classic western setting but would not make sense as i would like the game to take place in space so i think i will end up using the design in the middle

The final piece of production art I have done is of the large enemy from the game the design includes two windows one for a pilot and one for a gunner the design is quite large as the enemy the design is for has a lot of health and moves rather slowly

I had been tasked with creating production art for my game and i think it has been done to a good standard

This is the asset list for all the assets I need to create for the game it includes all the sprites, backgrounds, and animations

This is my production schedule for things I need to make for my game like mechanics such as health and weapons and artwork such as the player avatar and background I feel it is a good schedule as it gives me enough time to create everything to a good standard

This is my production schedule now the on thing I have not done is explosion animation but i still have time to do that now

Sound Effects NeededDescription of Sound EffectLibrary or Foley
Firing soundA short explosion soundLibrary
Enemy soundA mechanical soundLibrary
Pick up soundBleeping soundLibrary
Boss soundLong loud mechanical soundLibrary
Death soundexplosionLibrary
Enemy 2 soundCannonLibrary
Enemy death soundexplosionLibrary
Enemy firing soundA short explosion soundLibrary
Turret firing soundA laser soundLibrary
Boss firing soundMachine gun soundLibrary
Boss Death soundLots of explosionsLibrary
Machine gunMachine gun soundLibrary

This is the planning for the sound that I am going to implement in to my game I am going to get it from a sound library as it would take too much time to record each sound for the game

I was tasked with planning what sounds I am going to use I think I have done it well

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