P9 Context

Gameplay Conventions

In my research I found out about many gameplay conventions of horror games one of these gameplay conventions would be making the player feel weak one way that this convention is executed is limiting the control over the game that the player has over the character. Another gameplay convention of horror games that I found from my research would be creating a feeling of isolation this is often done by limiting the amount of characters that the player will come across. Another characteristic of horror games that I found in my research would be the use of lighting to create an unsettling atmosphere and also to guide players through a level. another of these gameplay conventions I found in my research is that the fear of the unknown is kept throughout the game this can be done by changing up the gameplay, the level or the way the enemy behaves.

Target audience

For my game I will have to keep in mind the target audience for most horror games which is 15-24 year old males and try to create my game in a way that will attract this audience. The type of horror game that the target audience are looking for would be a game that is a scary experience that Includes an enjoyable story to make the game feel more fleshed out and gameplay that the players will find enjoyable accompanied by interesting level design that helps to make a more enjoyable atmosphere and makes the gameplay more fun. I will have to keep all of these things in mind if I am to make an experience that this target audience will find appealing.

Product requirements

One requirement of the product would be to have at least one level of a completed horror game/experience. Another requirement would be having this product completed within the time limit I have been given an easy way to keep track of this would be to create a time schedule that I can use to help me stay on track with tasks I need to do. Another requirement will be to have a nice looking and presentable research page on Itch.io to do this I will use some of what I have learnt from my last project on how to create the itch page for the mini golf game.

potential problems

One potential problem I may have is the implementation of navigation meshes into my game as it is my first time using them and I may find many problems arise along the way however I am fairly confident that I will be able to iron out any of these problems I may have. Another problem I may encounter is general problems in using unity as I am still new to the software although I feel I have enough experience working with the software that any problems I may have with unity I will be able to fix even if it takes some time to do so. Another problem I may have is using maya as I am fairly new to the software with limited experience although as a work around for this problem would be to mostly try to use the unity asset store and keep my own 3D modelling to a minimum although I will still try to do some of my own. Another problem that I may come across during this project is trying to keep a consistent style with the graphics with the graphics I collect from the unity store and will try to draw most assets from the same pack. Another potential problem that I may come across whilst working on this project is the use of Bolt in Unity as it will be my first time using Bolt I will be inexperienced with using it although I feel that I will be able to learn the basics and what I need for this project with little issue.

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